It is a Next generation proprietary formulation developed with the combination of highly effective biological agent and some botanical extracts in polymer matrix blend, foustin rich are very promising for contributing uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium as well as several micronutrients by increasing the effective absorbing surface area of roots. It protects plant against fungal and bacterial diseases like Fusarium, Botrys spp. as it secrets various antibiotic.
Azatobactor: Biological nitrogen fixation refer to a microbial mediated process based upon an enzymatic Nitrogenase; that means conversion of Atmospheric Nitrogen into Ammonia. Which can readily absorb by the root nodules. Azatobactor is important free living N2 fixing bacteria and potential bacterial bio-fertilizer with proven efficacy for plant nutrition and biological soil fertility. It also promoting nutrient use efficiency, protection against phytopathogen, and phytohormone synthesis.
Azospirillium: It comprises plant growth promoting bacteria. It has ability to colonize the plant roots. It also fixes Atmospheric Nitrogen. It has capacity to synthesize phytohormone particularly in Indole 3acetic acid. Azospirillium is conferring to plant tolerance of abiotic and biotic stresses in plant growth.
Basillus subtillis : It exhibit direct and indirect bio control mechanism to suppress disease cause by pathogen. The direct mechanism include synthesize of Many secondary metabolism, hormones, cell wall degradation, enzymes and anti-oxidant that assist the plants in its defense against plant pathogen attack.
PSB : Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria enhance bio availability of phosphates by solubilizing insoluble phosphate also providing organic acid and different enzyme.
KMB : potash mobilizing bacteria is a microorganism which can mobilize potash from the elementary or mixture of potassium, and it can easily absorb by the plant. This play vital role in the formation of monoacids and proteins from ammonium ions, which are later absorb by the roots from the soil.
DOSE : 1Litre/ACRE
It should be recommended apply one month interval for long duration crops and apply 15-20 days for short duration crops. Apply as seed coat and at transplanting, also apply ground spray, and drenching through irrigation. Apply during evening and humid condition for best results. don’t spray chemical/ insecticide before and after 7 days of application.
Pomegranate, Chili, Potato, Tomato, All vegetables, Maize, Rice, Cotton, Cauliflower, fruits crops, Tea , Coffee, Green house and Nursery Crops.